I was looking forward to giving Lost’s Rocket Redux a try and it didn’t disappoint. Last week we had a few cheeky swells in the head high range come through so I chose a nice clean 3 feet day at Bunkers ( Cayton Bay) to try one of their latest creations. Firstly I have ridden a 5’10 Round Nose Fish on and off for some years now so with the 5’10 Rocket Redux under my arm I jumped into a clean punchy 3 feet of surf.

Catching waves was super easy as the board has a relatively low entry rocker and decent width . The difference I first noticed is that it felt more like a performance surfboard than most flatter wider boards I have surfed. Without the constraints of a super wide nose it was good at hitting the lip and getting a bit more vertical but still paddled into takeoffs with ease. It was very fast and snappy in the pocket when pushed hard and the speed and flow it carried down the line and through transitions was lively and responsive. I surfed it as a thruster the recommended Lost staple setup and it went great and would be interesting to see some quads thrown in there for the zippier beach break days .

Definitely a good all rounder in the 2-6 feet days and all in all, a super fun ride but could handle being surfed a little more aggressively than similar models.

I’d recommend this board personally to a surfer who wants to catch waves relatively easy but wants more top end performance out of their surfing and also a board that not only excels in fast punchy beach breaks is also very suitable for the mid sized reef and point waves the East coast has to offer. I am 11 stone and this model was 32 litres on volume and that felt about right for me as I like catching plenty of waves and I’m not getting any younger.

So pretty darn good is the verdict folks here… – CLICK HERE to view the Rocket Redux